

The information in or generated by this website should not be acted upon or taken as specific advice for your situation.

The purpose of this site is to educate and give general guidance to help you craft a personalized approach to taking Social Security. That information may include estimates of your and, when applicable, your spouse’s Primary Insurance Amount(s), life expectancy(ies), and date(s) of birth. If this information you provided, including your life expectancy projection(s), should prove wrong after the fact, then the recommended strategy may not be the best strategy after the fact. Before selecting this or any other strategy, you should analyze it and compare it with other scenarios generated by your financial professional.

Election options also must be coordinated with your other retirement planning. The contents of this report when judged in the context of your overall financial plan may not be optimal for your circumstances, as it may cause unacceptable trade-offs with your other investment assets. Please seek the advice of your own tax, financial, and legal advisors before implementing any strategies contained in this information.

Our information is intended as a diagnostic tool to suggest potential election options that may be beneficial.
The election option considered may not be exhaustive. While substantial effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy
of all calculations, we provide no guarantees. Further, our reports can not anticipate future changes to
the Social Security System, formulae, or claiming rules.

Our reports/information specifically excludes the following situations:

  1. Our reports/information do not account for disability years. If you have years in which you received Social Security Disability benefits, the result will be inaccurate.
  2. Our reports/information may incorporate Social Security’s Annual Earnings Test. Is does not incorporate the Monthly Earnings Test.
  3. Our report/information does not incorporate children’s benefits, dependent parent’s benefits, or the family maximum calculation.
  4. Our report/information assumes that the surviving spouse will begin receiving the higher of his or her own benefit, or the deceased spouse’s benefit at the time of the first death. Further, the calculation does not assume election of widow’s benefits prior to age 70. As a result, if the date of death for either spouse is prior to the survivor’s age 70, the results will be inaccurate.
  5. Our report/information does not treat Railroad or Military earnings separately. Workers who have 10+ years of Railroad earnings, or certain military service may experience inaccurate results.
  6. We assume “Fully Insured” status. If you have not reached fully insured status for retirement benefits, the results will be inaccurate.
  7. Our report/information does not account for the Windfall Elimination Provision or the Government Pension Offset. If benefits are impacted by either of these, this report will be inaccurate.
  8. We assume a 2% annual Cost of Living adjustment to Social Security benefits. In the event that the COL Adjustment is less than 2%, this report/information will be inaccurate.

The information on this website should be used only as general guidelines and not as the ultimate source of information about Social Security.   As such, it is ultimately your responsibility to carefully consider the recommended strategy and its implications before adopting it as your own.

Carroll Media, LLC (doing business as Social Security Intelligence) shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly, by information contained in this website or from any materials generated from this website.